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* rpcCall.h --
* Definitions of remote procedure numbers. Each different RPC has a
* unique number that identifies it to the server machine.
* This file must be consistent with lust:~brent/src/sun/sys/h/rfs.h
* so that sprite machines can do rpc with lust as server.
* Copyright (C) 1985 Regents of the University of California
* All rights reserved.
* $Header: /sprite/src/kernel/rpc/RCS/rpcCall.h,v 9.7 91/03/07 11:35:21 kupfer Exp $ SPRITE (Berkeley)
#ifndef _RPCCALL
#define _RPCCALL
#ifdef KERNEL
#include <rpcTypes.h>
#include <kernel/rpcTypes.h>
* The remote procedures. For each procedure the format the request
* and reply message is summarized. See the Rpc_Storage type for
* more explaination. The stubs often rely on the sizes of these area
* being returned by the RPC system so that the size of variable length
* objects does not have to be in the message explicitly.
* RPC_ECHO_1 Special echo that is handled completely by the
* server dispatcher. The server process is not involved.
* RPC_ECHO_2 Echo bytes off the server. The request/reply parameter
* area is empty. The request/reply data area contains
* the bytes that are echoed.
* RPC_SEND Send bytes to the server. The request parameter
* area is empty. The request data area has the bytes to
* send. The reply is empty.
* RPC_RECEIVE Unimplemented.
* RPC_FS_OPEN Open a file. Could create the file, always
* follows symbolic links. The request parameter
* area contains a FsOpenParams, and the request
* data area contains a file name. The return
* parameter area contains an FsOpenReturn
* structure.
* RPC_FS_READ Read from a file. The request parameter area contains
* an FsrmtIOParam structure, and the request data
* area is empty. The return data area contains the
* bytes read.
* RPC_FS_WRITE Write to a file. Same request parameter format as Read.
* The request data area contains the bytes to write. The
* return parameter area contains the offset at which the
* write started, and the amount actually written.
* RPC_FS_CLOSE Close a file. The request parameter area has an
* FsRtoken. The reply is empty.
* RPC_FS_UNLINK Remove a file. The request parameter area contains an
* FsUserInfo. The request data area has the file name.
* RPC_FS_RENAME Change the name of a file. The request parameters
* area contains an FsUserInfo, the length of the original
* pathname (int), the length of the new pathname (int),
* then the original pathname. The data area
* contains the new pathname.
* RPC_FS_MKDIR Make a directory. The request parameter area contains
* an FsUserInfo and a creation mode (int). The request
* data area contains the pathname. The reply is empty.
* RPC_FS_RMDIR Remove a directory. The request parameter area contains
* an FsUserInfo. The request data area contains the
* pathname. The reply is empty.
* RPC_FS_LINK Link two files together. The format of the request
* is the same as for FS_RENAME. The reply is empty.
* RPC_GETTIME Get the time of day. The request is empty. The reply
* parameter area contains the current time (Time),
* the number of minutes west of Greenwich (int), and the
* daylights savings flag (int).
* RPC_FS_PREFIX Broadcast a pathname to a server and
* get a file handle for its prefix.
* RPC_FS_GET_ATTR Get the file header information about a file. The
* request parameter area contains an FsFileID. The
* reply parameter area contains Fs_Attributes.
* RPC_FS_SET_ATTR Set the file header information about a file. The
* request parameter area contains an FsFileID and a
* Fs_Attributes struct. There is a NULL reply.
* RPC_FS_GET_ATTR_PATH Get attributes given a path name.
* RPC_FS_SET_ATTR_PATH Set attributes given a pathname.
* RPC_FS_GET_IO_ATTR Get attributes cached at the I/O server.
* RPC_FS_SET_IO_ATTR Set attributes cached at the I/O server.
* RPC_PROC_MIG_COMMAND Transfer information about a process that is being
* migrated.
* RPC_PROC_REMOTE_CALL Perform a system call for a migrated process.
* RPC_FS_MIGRATE Start the migration of a file handle.
* RPC_FS_RELEASE Release a stream reference during migration.
* RPC_FS_RELEASE_NEW New version of this call.
* RPC_FS_CONSIST Call from the server to the client to initiate
* cache consistency operations.
* RPC_FS_CONSIST_REPLY Reply from the client indicating that
* it has completed the cache consistency action.
* RPC_FS_DEV_OPEN Open a connection to the I/O server for a device.
* RPC_REMOTE_WAKEUP Notify a remote process.
* RPC_PROC_REMOTE_WAIT Perform a Proc_Wait for a migrated process.
* RPC_FS_SELECT See if a file is readable or writable.
* RPC_FS_IO_CONTROL Perform an iocontrol.
* RPC_FS_MKDEV Make a special device file
* RPC_FS_REOPEN Reopen a file.
* RPC_FS_DOMAIN_INFO Return information about the given domain.
* RPC_FS_RECOVERY Recovery control message used by clients to
* tell server's they want to re-establish
* its open file handles, and when they are done.
* RPC_PROC_GETPCB Retrieve a process control block from another
* host.
* These procedure numbers and the service switch should be generated
* from another file...
#define RPC_ECHO_1 1
#define RPC_ECHO_2 2
#define RPC_SEND 3
#define RPC_RECEIVE 4
#define RPC_GETTIME 5
#define RPC_FS_PREFIX 6
#define RPC_FS_OPEN 7
#define RPC_FS_READ 8
#define RPC_FS_WRITE 9
#define RPC_FS_CLOSE 10
#define RPC_FS_UNLINK 11
#define RPC_FS_RENAME 12
#define RPC_FS_MKDIR 13
#define RPC_FS_RMDIR 14
#define RPC_FS_MKDEV 15
#define RPC_FS_LINK 16
#define RPC_FS_SYM_LINK 17
#define RPC_FS_GET_ATTR 18
#define RPC_FS_SET_ATTR 19
#define RPC_FS_GET_IO_ATTR 22
#define RPC_FS_SET_IO_ATTR 23
#define RPC_FS_DEV_OPEN 24
#define RPC_FS_SELECT 25
#define RPC_FS_IO_CONTROL 26
#define RPC_FS_CONSIST 27
#define RPC_FS_COPY_BLOCK 29
#define RPC_FS_MIGRATE 30
#define RPC_FS_RELEASE 31
#define RPC_FS_REOPEN 32
#define RPC_FS_RECOVERY 33
#define RPC_PROC_GETPCB 38
#define RPC_SIG_SEND 40
* RPC_NUM_COMMANDS is used to declare the rpc procedure switch and
* arrays of counters for each rpc. (RPC_LAST_COMMAND used to be
* used, but it was too easy to get the declaration wrong.)
* Procedures in the rpc service switch.
extern ReturnStatus RpcNull _ARGS_((ClientData srvToken, int clientID, int command, Rpc_Storage *storagePtr));
extern int RpcEcho _ARGS_((ClientData srvToken, int clientID, int command, Rpc_Storage *storagePtr));
ReturnStatus Fs_RpcOpen(); /* FS_OPEN */
ReturnStatus Fs_RpcRead(); /* READ */
ReturnStatus Fs_RpcWrite(); /* WRITE */
ReturnStatus Fs_RpcClose(); /* CLOSE */
ReturnStatus Fs_RpcRemove(); /* UNLINK, RMDIR */
ReturnStatus Fs_Rpc2Path(); /* RENAME, LINK */
ReturnStatus Fs_RpcMakeDir(); /* MKDIR */
#endif /* JUST_LISTING */
extern ReturnStatus RpcGetTime _ARGS_((ClientData srvToken, int clientID, int command, Rpc_Storage *storagePtr));
ReturnStatus Fs_RpcPrefix(); /* FS_PREFIX */
ReturnStatus Fs_RpcGetAttr(); /* FS_GET_ATTR */
ReturnStatus Fs_RpcSetAttr(); /* FS_SET_ATTR */
ReturnStatus Fs_RpcGetAttrPath(); /* FS_GET_ATTR_PATH */
ReturnStatus Fs_RpcSetAttrPath(); /* FS_SET_ATTR_PATH */
ReturnStatus Fs_RpcGetIOAttr(); /* FS_GET_IO_ATTR */
ReturnStatus Fs_RpcSetIOAttr(); /* FS_SET_IO_ATTR */
#ifdef notdef
ReturnStatus Proc_RpcMigInit(); /* PROC_MIG_INIT */
#endif /* notdef */
ReturnStatus Proc_RpcMigCommand(); /* PROC_MIG_COMMAND */
ReturnStatus Proc_RpcRemoteCall(); /* PROC_REMOTE_CALL */
ReturnStatus Fs_RpcStartMigration(); /* FS_MIGRATE */
ReturnStatus Fs_RpcConsist(); /* FS_CONSIST */
ReturnStatus Fs_RpcDevOpen(); /* FS_DEV_OPEN */
ReturnStatus Sync_RemoteNotifyStub(); /* REMOTE_WAKEUP */
ReturnStatus Proc_RpcRemoteWait(); /* PROC_REMOTE_WAIT */
ReturnStatus Fs_RpcSelectStub(); /* FS_SELECT */
ReturnStatus Fs_RpcIOControl(); /* FS_RPC_IO_CONTROL */
ReturnStatus Fs_RpcConsistReply(); /* FS_CONSIST_REPLY */
ReturnStatus Fs_RpcBlockCopy(); /* FS_COPY_BLOCK */
ReturnStatus Fs_RpcMakeDev(); /* FS_MKDEV */
ReturnStatus Sig_RpcSend(); /* SIG_SEND */
ReturnStatus Fs_RpcReopen(); /* FS_REOPEN */
ReturnStatus Fs_RpcDomainInfo(); /* FS_DOMAIN_INFO */
ReturnStatus Fs_RpcRecovery(); /* FS_RECOVERY */
ReturnStatus Proc_RpcGetPCB(); /* PROC_GETPCB */
ReturnStatus Fsio_RpcStreamMigClose(); /* FS_RELEASE */
ReturnStatus Fsio_RpcStreamMigCloseNew();/* FS_RELEASE_NEW */
#endif /* JUST_LISTING */
#endif /* _RPCCALL */